Off Camera // Producer & Production Coordinator


For 2 years I worked with Sam Jones on over 30 episodes (2 seasons) of his TV show/ magazine/ podcast, Off Camera with Sam Jones, which airs on Netflix and DirecTV. My work included: booking crew & equipment for the photo shoots and episode tapings, shopping for props, pulling & preparing research on interview subjects, owning the call sheet, billing & invoicing, coordinating transcriptions and magazine printing, producing a “call-in” podcast, development of interview questions, liasing with talent & publicists, and addressing & owning all production needs.

Episodes I worked on included: #21. Laird Hamilton, #22. Jon Brion, #23. Jason Sudeikis, #24. Chris Pine,#25. Jessica Chastain, #26. Will Ferrell, #27. Ethan Hawke. #28. Jon Hamm, #29. Lake Bell, #30. Jennifer Beals, #31. Zach Braff, #32. Lizzy Caplan, #33. Chris Moore, #34. Rashida Jones, #35. Kevin Bacon, #36. Dax Shepard#37. Jake Gyllenhaal, #38. Cindy Crawford, #39. Ellen Page, #40. Tatiana Maslany, #41. Olivia Wilde, #42. Jack Black, #43. Carrie Brownstein, #44. Connie Britton, #45. William H. Macy, #46. Joseph Gordon-Levitt, #47. Paul Dano, #48. Bill Lawrence, #49. Linda Cardellini, #50. Aubrey Plaza, #51.Tim Robbins, #52. Matt Berninger

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